Left arm extended straight
out from shoulder and pointing in the direction of the turn.
Right Turn
Left arm raised at shoulder height, elbow bent and forearm vertical,
with palm of hand flat.
Left arm extended out and down from the side of the body with a downward
flapping motion of hand to signal warning or caution.
Last Sled In Line
Release handlebar with left hand, palm of hand flat, slash forearm
outward at 45 degree downward angle toward the ground repeatedly.
Oncoming Sleds
Left arm raised at shoulder height, elbow bent and forearm vertical,
wrist bent, move arm from left to right over head, pointing to right side
of trail.
Sleds Following
Arm raised, elbow bent, with thumb pointing backward in hitch-hiking
motion, move arm forward to backward over your shoulder.
Arm raised from the shoulder and extended straight up over the head
with palm of hand flat.
*In some jurisdictions, the stop signal may be indicated using the
right arm, since the left hand is used for braking. Snowmobilers should
watch out for, and be prepared to stop for either signal.
Ground to Air Rescue Signals